真ん中あけています!サラサラ涼し気なコットンレース。抗菌wガーゼがお肌に優しくフィット! 汗も吸収してくれます♪
It’s open in the middle! Smooth and cool cotton lace. Antibacterial w gauze gently fits your skin! It also absorbs sweat♪
▼【size】( 目安です お好みの大きさで)
M-1: about Adult (about/ 8.5cm x 17.5cm (3 3/8“)x(67/8″))
M-2: about adult small (about/ 8.5cmx 14.5cm (3 3/8“)x(53/4“))
Front (cotton lace) 21x24cm (8 1/4”)x(9 1/2”)
Back (Antibacterial W gauze)14.5x10cmx2 ((53/4″)x(4″)x2
(M-2 :size )(point 8:52 )
Front (cotton lace) 21x22cm (8 1/4”)x(8 5/8″)
Back (Antibacterial W gauze)14.5x10cmx2 ((53/4″)x(4″)x2
▼チュートリアルはこちら↓↓↓ ▼Click here for the tutorial
よかったら作ってみてください。Please make it if you like.
I’m glad if you can share this video with the people who need it.